Armenian Genocide



1915 the Armenian Genocide began. The Turkish authorities decree the demobilization and disarmament of the Armenians. A.F. Kerensky, a member of the National Council of Russia and later briefly to be the leader of Russia, in a report, describes the astounding plight of Armenian refugees. Two Armenian deputies of the Ottoman Assembly submit a note concerning the massacres and executions of several such battalions.


In 1916 the United States of America to set a special day when citizens of this country can help Armenians with financial support, considering that many of them, being in the country that was at war, were forced to leave their houses and belongings without any opportunity to care even for their primal needs, are afflicted with hunger, disease and untold sufferings. Talat, Minister of the Interior, sends a cable to the Aleppo Prefecture, ordering the extermination of children at military installations.


By a special decree/law the government of Turkey condemns the 1978 Treaty of Berlin and especially Article 61. he Turkish Empire to make their lives safe and their fate secure from  aggression and injustice, orders of foreign courts and parties. It ended in 1917, but there were further massacres of Armenians by the Turks in 1922


Treaty of Brest-Litovsk is signed between Russia and Turkey after Russia's withdrawal brought about by the Russian Revolution.

May 16, 1921

The independent Armenian Republic, in existence since May 28, 1918, is transformed into the Soviet Socialist Republic of Armenia.
This is an example of gruesome torture the Armenians suffered
They hung Armenians for everyone around to see